

This coming Sunday at Aletheia will be our last week in our sermon series called Identity.  We’ve been studying Ruth and The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) for the last semester, and we’ve finally made it to the end.  The study has been amazing and we’ve seen our church grow in a huge way since we began it.  

With that in mind, our website is having a bit of an identity-crisis right now.  I’m constantly changing the template, pictures, colors, etc.  But honestly, WordPress won’t let you do too much (or maybe it’s just the fact that I know NOTHING about how this works).  Either way, I’m messing around with new stuff, trying to make this website look how I want it to.

We’re getting really excited about the release of the album here in a few weeks.  Sunday, January 23 will be the release day where we’ll give away a free copy of the album to everyone who walks through the doors of Aletheia Church.  I literally cannot wait.  

Friends, I hope that each of you had an amazing Christmas and that you were able to dwell on the incredible love of our Lord. 

That He would leave Heaven and come to this broken and destitute planet to live among sinners like us.  

That He would live life without sin, becoming the only candidate for accepting the full wrath of God which should have been put upon us.  

That He would endure beating after beating which resulted in brutal murder.  

That He would be alone; disconnected from the Father as He hung on the cross with our sins on His shoulders.  

That He would lay in a tomb, dead.

And that He would rise up, conquering death, proving to the world that He was exactly who He said He was.  God.

And that He would ascend to Heaven and live in us through the Holy Spirit, that we may never be alone.

And that He would one day come again as the Mighty King, victorious forever.



Welcome to the Blog

hello friends!

Welcome to our new blog!  We’re getting incredibly excited about the release of our first full-length album, “This Is My Story, This Is My Song.”  The tentative release date is January 23, 2011.  If all goes according to plan, we’ll be releasing that Sunday morning and giving away a free copy to every person who walks through the doors of Aletheia Church that day.  We just created a new Facebook page, so head over there as well and let’s be friends!  More to come soon!